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We present estimates of changes in skills utilisation and in the returns to skills in the UK for 2002-2016 using new measures of skills derived from a systematic and detailed matching between the US O*NET system and UK SOC. Over the period, ther[...]Article : texte imprimé
We document the declining gap between the average earnings of women and men in Denmark from 1980 to 2010. The decline in the earnings gap is driven by increases in hours worked by women as well as a decline in the gender wage gap. The data show [...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
L’évaluation ex post présentée ici cherche à mesurer les effets éventuels du dispositif de préfinancement du CICE sur la préservation de l’emploi due à de moindres défaillances d’entreprises pour 2013 et 2014. L’analyse économétrique repose sur [...]Article : texte imprimé
This paper examines empirically the dynamics of wage floors defined in industry-level wage agreements in France. It also investigates how industry-level wage floor adjustment interacts with changes in the national minimum wage (NMW hereafter). F[...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
Carole Bonnet ; Bruno Jeandidier ; Congrès annuel AFSE - Association française de science économique (66è; juin 2017; Nice) ; Anne Solaz |Empirical evidence has shown that married men generally earn more and married women earn less than their unmarried counterparts. However, the control group of “not married” differs between studies, over time and between countries, such that the [...]Article : texte imprimé
The quality of education appears to be negatively correlated with both the overeducation of workers at the tasks they perform and the unemployment rate across EU-15 countries, and positively correlated with the wage premium associated to tertiar[...]Article : texte imprimé
Exploiting organizational reforms in a foreign-owned bank in Central-East Europe, we carry out an insider econometrics study of the implementation of modern human resource management reforms giving some employees high-powered incentives. We use [...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
What can social sciences do with machine learning, and what can the latter do to them? A contribution to the emerging debate on the role of machine learning for the social sciences, this article offers an introduction to this class of statistica[...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
Cet article étudie les déterminants de l’obtention de la Prime d’excellence scientifique des enseignants-chercheurs français en économie. Il s’intéresse notamment à la dimension dynamique de cette forme particulière de compétition académique mis[...]Article : texte imprimé
We use UK longitudinal survey data to model young people's transitions between employment, unemployment, education and a residual category made up of those neither in education nor economically active. Transitions from employment are shown to ex[...]Article : texte imprimé
Sont isolés ici deux mécanismes susceptibles de favoriser l’insertion professionnelle des apprentis sortant d’un CAP ou d’un BEP. D’une part, le lien entre l’apprenti et son entreprise peut déboucher sur son maintien dans l’entreprise à l’issue [...]Article : document électronique
Sébastien Ménard ; Solenne Tanguy ; Congrès: Journées de microéconomie appliquée JMA (XXXIVes; 2017; Le Mans) |L’assurance chômage est souvent accusée de réduire l’effort de recherche des chômeurs. Cet effort étant difficile à contrôler, les études théoriques et empiriques ont souligné la nécessité d’un profil décroissant dans le temps des allocations po[...]Article : document électronique
Nous étudions l’effet causal d’un accroissement du nombre d’enfants sur l’activité des mères en distinguant la France métropolitaine de ses départements d’outre-mer. À partir d’un modèle à variables instrumentales, exploitant deux sources exogèn[...]Article : texte imprimé
Les auteurs examinent l'évolution de l'ancienneté au travail dans l'Union européenne entre 2002 et 2012, en exploitant les microdonnées de l'enquête sur les forces de travail (EFT?UE) d'Eurostat. Ils observent une légère hausse des valeurs moyen[...]Article : texte imprimé
Convaincues d’un lien entre mobilités transnationales et employabilité des jeunes, les politiques publiques incitent ces derniers à partir à l’étranger pendant leurs études. L’exploitation de l’enquête Céreq « Génération 2010, interrogation en 2[...]Article : document électronique
Nous examinons les articles récents qui se sont attachés à construire des méthodes empiriques structurelles pour estimer les préférences des agents, étudiants et universités, ou élèves et écoles, qui participent à des mécanismes d’allocation cen[...]Article : texte imprimé
Andreu Arenas ; Clément Malgouyres ; European Association of Labour Economists 29th annual conference (21-23 September 2017; St.Gallen, Switzerland) |We study how economic conditions at the time of choosing post-compulsory education affect intergenerational mobility. Exploiting local variation in birthplace unemployment rate at age 16 across 23 cohorts in France, we find that cohorts deciding[...]Article : texte imprimé
Reamonn Lydon ; Matija Lozej ; European Association of Labour Economists 29th annual conference (21-23 September 2017; St.Gallen, Switzerland) |The rigidity of the net present value of wages for newly hired workers from unemployment is one of the key ingredients to generate realistic volatility of (un)employment in standard search and matching models. With Nash bargaining or if wage con[...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
Using recent data from the French Labor Force Survey, this paper explores how diversity affects individuals’ employment prospects at various geographic levels. Employment correlates positively with local labor market diversity, but negatively wi[...]Article : document électronique
I estimate the effect of immigration on wages of native male workers correcting for endogenous allocation of immigrants across education–experience cells. Exogenous variation is obtained from interactions of push factors, distance, and skill-cel[...]Article : texte imprimé
On interroge ici deux systèmes éducatifs du point de vue de leur capacité à multiplier les opportunités pour les individus. Nous tentons une comparaison entre deux systèmes éducatifs structurellement différents, à l’aune de la théorie des « capa[...]Article : document électronique
Environ une personne sur dix en France change de logement chaque année. Si la plupart de ces mobilités ont lieu au sein d’une même commune, on assiste depuis le début des années 2000 à un accroissement des mobilités longues (i.e. migration d’un [...]Article : document électronique
The authors investigate the impact of a change in employment protection laws in Portugal that increased the maximum legal duration of fixed-term contracts. They find that this reform led to a reduction in the probability that a worker on a fixed[...]Article : texte imprimé
Can't work or won't work: Quasi-experimental evidence on work search requirements for single parents
Increasing the labour market participation of single parents, whether to boost incomes or reduce welfare spending, is a major policy objective in a number of countries. This paper presents causal evidence on the impact of work search requirement[...]Article : texte imprimé
We use the U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and other sources to examine how cognitive performance near the end of secondary schooling relates to labour market outcomes through age fifty. Our preferred estimates control for indivi[...]Article : texte imprimé
We develop a model in which some employers hold unobservable racial prejudice towards black workers. Workers, however, observe a signal of prejudice status – the presence of a black supervisor. Jobs in firms with black supervisors hold higher op[...]Article : texte imprimé
Analyzing how working students weather personal economic shocks is increasingly important as the fraction of college students working substantial hours has increased dramatically over the past few decades. Using administrative data on Ohio colle[...]Article : texte imprimé
Compared to their French counterparts, British married women choose fewer working hours but similar employment rates. This is driven mostly by the labour supply choices of those with young children. To understand why, I estimate a structural lab[...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
In this article, based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data, we carried out several econometric analyses going back ten years for 25 OECD countries. We present the results of these analyses on the effects of start-up support programmes an[...]Article : texte imprimé
To provide micro-founded real wage rigidities, the literature on the unemployment volatility puzzle has considered alternating offers on one side, and asymmetric information on the other. Separately, however, these two frameworks deliver a limit[...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
The authors study how variations in supervisors’ attitudes toward working with females generate gender differences in workers’ observed career outcomes. The employment records of athletic directors and head coaches in a set of NCAA Division I pr[...]Article : texte imprimé
Job matching, a central feature of DMP theory, requires contacts between prospective employers and employees. This paper assumes that they may be either face-to-face and take place at city centers or via referrals from social contacts. The paper[...]Article : texte imprimé
Les auteures étudient les effets des arrangements informels et flexibles sur les salaires des travailleurs domestiques employés par des personnes privées au Portugal. Les estimations indiquent que l'emploi formel est bénéfique aux travailleurs, [...]Article : texte imprimé
Using data from the Employment Opportunity Pilot Project, we examine the relationship between the starting wage paid to the worker filling a vacancy, the number of applications attracted by the vacancy, the number of candidates interviewed for t[...]Article : texte imprimé
A key lesson from the Great Recession is that firms’ leverage and access to finance are important for hiring and firing decisions. It is now empirically established that bank lending is correlated with employment losses when credit conditions de[...]Article : texte imprimé
We quantify the contribution of labor market reforms to unemployment dynamics in nine OECD countries (Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, US). We estimate a dynamic stochastic search-matching model with heterogeneous [...]Article : texte imprimé
This paper examines life cycle vocational training investments in the context of a model with search frictions that features skill obsolescence and heterogenous agents. We shed light on some age-dependent externalities. On the one hand, this imp[...]Article : texte imprimé
In this paper, we examine how skill loss can contribute to aggregate labor market fluctuations in the Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model. We develop a computationally tractable stochastic version of that model wherein workers accumulate skills o[...]Article : texte imprimé
This paper incorporates social networks into a frictional labour market framework. There are two worker types and two occupations, which are subject to correlated fluctuations in output. The equilibrium is characterized by occupational mismatch [...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
Les différences observées entre les régions françaises quant au manque à gagner moyen des femmes par rapport aux hommes en termes de salaire dans le secteur privé conduit à s’interroger également sur la situation du secteur public. L’identificat[...]Article : texte imprimé
In the U.S. the average black worker has a lower employment rate and earns a lower wage compared to his white counterpart. Lang and Lehmann (2012) argue that black–white wage and employment gaps are smaller for high-skill workers. We show that a[...]Article : texte imprimé
We derive an explicit solution for the wage from an alternating-offer wage bargaining game à la Hall and Milgrom (2008) under a plausible parameter restriction. This solution is simple, micro-founded and permits a transparent analysis of the dri[...]Article : texte imprimé
We study a labor market where employers post wages and workers simultaneously choose the number of applications they send out. Firms offer the job to a worker at random; workers with multiple offers pick the best one. If the application costs ar[...]Article : texte imprimé
In this paper we investigate the time-varying properties of job creation in the United States in connection to the macro-economy. We address this issue through a time-varying parameter VAR (TVP-VAR) with stochastic volatility. We identify four s[...]Article : texte imprimé
This paper proposes a simple general equilibrium model with labour market frictions and an imperfect financial market. The aim of the paper is to analyse the transitional dynamics of unemployment and vacancies when financial constraints are in p[...]Article : document Ă©lectronique
What role did skilled-biased technological change play in narrowing the gender wage gap? To answer that question this paper constructs a task-based Roy model in which workers possess a bundle of basic skills and occupations are characterized as [...]document Ă©lectronique
Le progrès technique, notamment au travers de l’informatisation, pose des enjeux pour le devenir de certains emplois. En parallèle, les gains de productivité se sont essoufflés dans de nombreux pays développés et l’usage de l’informatique ne sem[...]texte imprimé
document Ă©lectronique
Bastien Bernela ; Liliane Bonnal ; Claire Bonnard ; Julien Calmand ; Jean-François Giret | Dijon : IREDU | 2018Le Dispositif Jeunes Docteurs initié dans le cadre du CIR en 1999 et renforcé en 2006 et 2008 a vocation à inciter au recrutement de jeunes docteurs dans le secteur privé. La réforme de 2008 devait notamment être particulièrement incitative pour[...]document électronique
Dans cet article, nous étudions l’effet de chocs de patrimoine sur les probabilités de transition entre salariat et entrepreneuriat, et l’évolution de cet effet au cours du temps sur la période 1945-2014 en France. Nous évaluons cet effet de deu[...]