Détail de la collectivité

Détail de l'auteur
Auteur European Union - European Commission |
Documents disponibles provenant de cette collectivité (46)

document électronique
European Union - European Commission ; ILO - International Labour Organization | European Parliament | 2019This Report reviews the main results of some 60 years of collaboration between the European Union (EU) and the International Labour Office (ILO) and coincides with the 100th anniversary of the ILO. Started in 1958, EU-ILO collaboration has inten[...]![]()
document électronique
The 2008 financial crisis has taken a heavy toll on our economies and social fabric but we are now turning a corner. There are some signs that the employment and social situation in the EU is slowly improving. Unemployment is falling, and employ[...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission ; EACEA ; EURYDICE - Réseau d'Information sur l'Education en Europe (Bruxelles) | EACEA - Agence exécutive «Éducation, audiovisuel et culture» / Eurydice | 2016This Eurydice report contains more than 30 detailed structural indicators, up-to-date figures, definitions, country notes and a short analysis of recent key policy developments and reforms in five areas: early childhood education and care, achie[...]![]()
document électronique
The present chapter analyses skills development and matching, a fundamental issue for the functioning of labour markets in the EU. It starts with an explanation of the concept and definitions behind ‘skills’ and with a presentation of the curren[...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2015Les pays alliant des emplois de qualité à une protection sociale efficace et à un fort investissement dans le capital humain ont mieux résisté à la crise économique, selon le rapport 2014 sur l’évolution de l’emploi et de la situation sociale en[...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2014This year’s report offers an in-depth and wide-ranging review of key labour market and social challenges facing the EU as it slowly emerges from recession. Where will Europe’s new jobs come from in an increasingly competitive global economy? Wil[...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission ; EACEA ; EURYDICE - Réseau d'Information sur l'Education en Europe (Bruxelles) | Luxembourg : Office des publications de l'Union européenne | Education et formation | 2014Ce rapport permet de comprendre la structure des systèmes de financement de l'enseignement primaire et secondaire général. Il offre une analyse des niveaux de pouvoir impliqués ainsi que les méthodes et les critères de financement utilisés pour [...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission ; EACEA ; EURYDICE - Réseau d'Information sur l'Education en Europe (Bruxelles) ; CEDEFOP - Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle | Luxembourg : Office des publications de l'Union européenne | Education et formation | 2014This joint Eurydice/Cedefop report sheds light on early leaving from education and training – a serious challenge in many EU countries. The report aims to add value to Member States' individual efforts as well as to the European Commission's end[...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission | Brussels : European Commission | Education and training | 2013This report draws on the work of the Thematic Working Group on 'Early School Leaving', which comprised experts nominated by 31 European countries, and stakeholder organisations.![]()
document électronique
document électronique
European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2012Le travail présent vise à fournir un aperçu général de l'offre des régimes du type apprentissage dans les États-membres de l'UE. A cet effet, l'étude examine l'efficacité de ces programmes visant à augmenter l'employabilité et faciliter les tran[...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission ; Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2012This report reviews trends and developments in the relationship between workers, employers, their respective representatives and public authorities at national and EU level during 2010-12. It looks at how the continuing crisis and reforms implem[...]![]()
document électronique
European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2012Cette étude a pour principal objectif d’offrir un aperçu des dispositions relatives aux stages appliquées dans les 27 pays membres et de rassembler les informations les plus récentes concernant les diverses formes de stages qui existent au sein [...]![]()
texte imprimé
texte imprimé
European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2010Produced annually by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the Employment in Europe report is now in its 22nd year. It has become one of the main tools of the European Commission for supporting Member St[...]![]()
texte imprimé
Janneke Plantenga ; Chantal Remery ; European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2010Increased flexibility of working time arrangements and promotion of gender equality are two important elements in the EU’s employment policy. In many instances, increased flexibility has a positive effect on gender equality, although this is not[...]![]()
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European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2010The EU recognizes gender equality as a fundamental right and as a necessary condition for growth, employment, and social cohesion. Gender inequalities, however, are an important feature of poverty and social exclusion. This report therefore expl[...]![]()
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texte imprimé
Janneke Plantenga, Éditeur scientifique ; European Union - European Commission ; Chantal Remery, Éditeur scientifique ; DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL AFFAIRS | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2009In recent decades, childcare services have become a matter of serious public concern. Affordable and good-quality childcare services may improve the reconciliation of work and family life and thus foster labour market participation and gender eq[...]![]()
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European Union - European Commission ; DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2008Période couverte par le document : 2008![]()
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Janneke Plantenga, Éditeur scientifique ; European Union - European Commission ; Chantal Remery, Éditeur scientifique ; Jill Rubery, Éditeur scientifique ; DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2008![]()
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European Union - European Commission ; DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2007Période couverte par le document : 2007![]()
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Jeanne Fagnani ; Suzan Lewis, Éditeur scientifique ; European Union - European Commission, Dédicataire ; Janet Smithson, Éditeur scientifique ; Ann Nilsen ; Anneke Van Doorne ; Bram Peper ; Marijke Veldhoen-van Blitterswijk ; Margareta Bäck-Wiklund ; Julia Brannen ; Lars Plantin ; Michaela Brockmann ; Maria Da Dores Guerreiro ; Pedro Abrantes ; Inês Pereira ; Inês Cardoso ; Nevenka Cernigo sadar ; Jana Nadoh ; Polona Kersknik ; Siyka Koavacheva | Luxembourg : European Commission | 2007![]()
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European Union - European Commission ; DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2006Période couverte par le document : 2005![]()
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Jean-Pierre Pourtois ; Ludwig Maximilians, Éditeur scientifique ; European Union - European Commission, Dédicataire ; A. Schneewind klaus, Éditeur scientifique ; Meinrad Perrez ; Gerold Mikula ; M. Gerris jan r. ; Anne-Marie Fontaine ; Maria Di Vita Angela | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2006![]()
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European Union - European Commission ; DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2006Période couverte par le document : 2006-2010![]()
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European Union - European Commission | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2006Période couverte par le document : 2003-2006![]()
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Article : texte imprimé
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Jittie Brandsma ; Tom Leney, Éditeur scientifique ; European Union - European Commission ; Philip Ammerman ; EDUCATION AND CULTURE ; Friederike Behringer ; Mike Coles ; Betty Feenstra ; Philipp Grollmann ; Andy Green ; Hanne Shapiro ; Anneke Westerhuis | s.l. : European Commission | 2005![]()
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European Union - European Commission ; Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2005Période couverte par le document : 2005![]()
Article : texte imprimé
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European Union - European Commission ; Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | 2003Période couverte par le document : 2003![]()
Article : texte imprimé
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Françoise Benhamou ; Dominique Anxo, Éditeur scientifique ; Donald Storrie, Éditeur scientifique ; European Union - European Commission ; W. Eberts randall ; Bernard Gazier ; John Philpott ; Günther Schmid ; Leonello Tronti ; George Erickcek ; Dietmar Dathe ; Colette Fagan ; Roberta Sestini ; Nadine Thévenot ; Andrea Toma | Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities | Employment & social affairs Employment & European social fund | 2001![]()
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European Union - European Commission, Dédicataire ; Stephen Crespi, Secrétaire ; K. Attwood teresa ; Malcom Bates ; Lee Bendekgey ; Benedicte Callan ; Graham Cameron ; Ann De Clercq ; Jack Franklin ; Benjamin Gannon ; Bo Hammer jensen ; M. Leunissen jack a. ; Thomas Mueller-Gerger ; Anselm Kamperman sanders ; Roland Tschannen ; Paul V. U. Van Grevenstein | s.l : s.e | [2001]![]()
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Walter Van Dongen ; NIEPS - NETWORK FOR INTEGRATED EUROPEAN POPULATION STUDIES (2000; ZAHRADKY) ; European Union - European Commission, Dédicataire ; An-Magritt Jensen ; Gerda Neyer ; Ariane Pailhé ; Ron Lesthaeghe ; Guy Moors ; Marc Callens ; Edith Lodewijckx ; Thérèse Jacobs ; Edmond Lambrecht ; Ronald Schoenmaekers ; Béa Van den Bergh ; Lieve Vanderleyden ; Jürgen Dorbritz ; A. Dykstra pearl ; Rossella Palomba ; Ismo Söderling ; Irene Tazi-Preve ; Kalev Katus ; Allan Puur ; Luule Sakkeus ; Tiborné Pongracz ; Zsolt Speder ; E. Kotowska irena | Prague : Ministeri van de Vlaamse Geeemschap | [2000]![]()
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Christine Ward ; ORAVEP - OBSERVATOIRE DES RESSOURCES AUDIOVISUELLES POUR LA FORMATION.Paris ; European Union - European Commission, Dédicataire ; FIM-PSYCHOLOGIE.Erlangen ; Janie Cabanat ; SCIENTER.Bologne ; Paul Held ; Renate Hahner ; GUILDFORD EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LIMITED.Surrey ; Claudio Dondi ; Simona Fantazzini ; Robin Twining | s.l. : AAPRINT | Référence project | 1999![]()
texte imprimé
Willem Houtkoop ; European Union - European Commission ; Steve Mcintosh ; Hilary Steedman | Bruxelles : Commission européenne | 1999Voir aussi le document E-221-07 : Low skills : a problem for Europe. Final report to DGXII of the European Commission on the Newskills programme of research.![]()
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Steve Mcintosh ; Hilary Steedman ; European Union - European Commission | s.l. : European Commission | [1999]Voir aussi le document E-364-00 : Are low skills a european problem ? Draft of final report to the European Commission on the Newskills programme of research. Période couverte par le document : 1985-1997