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The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence is unparalleled, establishing it as a ubiquitous element in workplaces and our daily lives. The era when AI was exclusively associated with robots and intricate algorithms for the technically profic[...]document électronique
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For many years, in most European countries, the public sector has been under pressure to reduce expenditure and increase efficiency. Long-term pressures on the public sector, and especially the recent austerity drives following from the crisis, [...]document électronique
This working paper presents the results of the ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey conducted in Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia in 2018-2019. The objective is to map the extent of digital labour in central and eastern Europe (C[...]document électronique
This study provides data confirming that workers in lower-skilled health and social care assistant positions earn considerably less than the national average wage in their country. It also shows that the higher the proportion of women in the sec[...]document électronique
The traditional dichotomy of paid versus unpaid work has a tendency to marginalise unpaid work when we attempt to conceptualise precariousness, leading to our perception that it involves exposure to the unpredictability of an individual’s future[...]document électronique
This paper presents a case study of the food delivery platform, Deliveroo, in Belgium in 2016-2018. The case offers insights on the nature of platform work, the workers who perform it, the preferences of workers, the strategy of the platforms, a[...]document électronique
With this year’s chosen focus – ‘on the path towards convergence?’ – the new edition of Benchmarking Working Europe sets out to assess and analyse the state of working Europe with the aid of a multi-level and multi-dimensional set of indicators.[...]document électronique
This paper updates the European Job Quality Index (JQI) with the latest available data, from 2015, and analyses how the quality of jobs for European workers has changed in the last decade (2005-2015). The JQI encompasses a broad range of work an[...]texte imprimé
Ce livre offre un compte rendu détaillé des pratiques innovantes menées par les syndicats en Europe centrale et orientale depuis 2008. Le livre couvre onze pays post-socialistes qui ont rejoint l'UE en 2004, 2007 et 2013 : la Bulgarie, la Croati[...]texte imprimé
Steffen Lehndorff, dir. ; Heiner Dribbusch, dir. ; Thorsten Schulten, dir. | Bruxelles : ETUI | 2017Ce livre analyse l’évolution des syndicats dans onze pays (Autriche, France, Allemagne, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Espagne, Suède et Royaume-Uni) depuis le début des années 2000. Les différents chapitres de cet ouvrage mettent l'[...]document électronique
Introduction: [...] In a first part, we sketch out the general context: what is meant by the digital economy, by Big Data, or internet platforms? And what are the new possibilities thereby opened up? In the second part we tackle some of th[...]document électronique
Although several studies have examined the challenges and effects of the changing employment relationships on workers and unions within different countries, sectors and workplaces, their socio-political causes and dynamics as well as the trad[...]document électronique
Christophe Degryse ; ISE - Institut Syndical Européen (Bruxelles, Belgique) | Bruxelles : ETUI | Working Papers | 2016Ce document de travail donne un aperçu des nouvelles possibilités offertes par la 4e révolution industrielle et aborde certaines questions spécifiques qui concernent ses effets sur le marché du travail, notamment sur le statut des salariés, sur [...]document électronique
Philippe Pochet, the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) General Director and chairman opened the three-day conference by welcoming participants and explaining what lay ahead. The aim was to “have the widest possible debate on the emerging ph[...]document électronique
This policy brief considers the impact of online platforms on labour markets and on the employment relationship in particular. It discusses the importance of outsourcing platforms, arguing that the ‘collaborative economy’ used by the European Co[...]document électronique
L’objectif de ce document de travail est d’analyser l’économie digitale et les transformations du travail sous l’angle des continuités et des ruptures. Tirant parti d’une longue expérience de recherche de plus de vingt-cinq ans sur ce sujet, les[...]document électronique
Introduction : Following four years of decline, unemployment rates started to climb in Europe from 2009 onwards to reach record levels that had not been seen since the mid-1990s, with an EU average of 10.9 per cent of the labour force in 2013, [...]texte imprimé
Depuis l’an dernier, l’Union européenne (UE) a traversé une période critique, marquée par la montée du sentiment anti-européen et les difficultés de mise en oeuvre d’une version largement renouvelée de la gouvernance socio-économique. Après des[...]document électronique
Renaud Damesin ; Jacky Fayolle ; Nicolas Fleury ; Mathieu Malaquin ; Nicolas Rode | Bruxelles : ETUI | 2014For over ten years, the dynamic management of people’s vocational pathways and transitions has been attracting the close attention of European social and political players. In this context, non-formal and informal learning (NFIL) practices, as [...]document électronique
This new working paper is intended to map reforms of employment protection law in the member states with the aim of addressing these legal changes in the context of the crisis, but also in the context of the deregulation agenda of the European C[...]document électronique
But how have EU member states responded to the dire economic and social situation and to the international call to improve IVET opportunities for young people? Has the crisis provoked a convergence of strategies across member states? Have the ch[...]document électronique
Since the mid-2000s, academics, trade unionists and policymakers have been involved in controversial debates about the need for a harmonised European minimum wage policy. This report by three academic experts leaves the beaten track of minimum w[...]document électronique
Ce rapport traite des difficultés d'accès des jeunes au marché du travail en Italie, et des conditions d'emploi et de travail particulièrement défavorables pour ceux qui parviennent à décrocher un travail. Le problème n'est pas neuf en Italie ma[...]texte imprimé
Catherine Teiger, dir. ; Marianne Lacomblez, dir. | Québec [Canada] : Presses de l'Université de Laval - PUL | Santé et sécurité du travail | 2013La formation en santé et sécurité au travail revient sur le devant de la scène. Ce livre rédigé par un collectif international et interdisciplinaire expose les multiples facettes du projet d’une formation pour les acteurs des milieux de travail [...]texte imprimé
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The devastating economic and financial crisis has revealed the limitations of financial capitalism and opened up a window of opportunity to propose and implement progressive reforms. Against this background the European Trade Union Institute has[...]texte imprimé
Mateo Alaluf ; Amparo Serrano Pascual ; Eduardo Crespo ; Jean-Claude Barbier ; Jean-Michel Bonvin ; Colin Lindsay ; Mikkel Mailand ; Jens Lind ; Iver Hornemann moller ; Helge Albrechtsen ; Florence Lefresne ; Carole Tuchszirer ; Janine Leschke ; Klaus Schömann ; Isabelle Schömann ; Winfried Heidemann ; Hermann Rademacker ; Isabelle Darmon ; Thomas Kieselbach ; Ute Traiser ; Céline Lafoucriere ; Jonathan Winterton | Bruxelles : ETUI | 2004texte imprimé
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay ; Amparo Serrano Pascual ; Maria-Helena Andre, Préfacier, etc. ; David Foden ; Jordi Estivill ; Isabelle Darmon ; Jean-Michel Bonvin ; Fabio Bertozzi ; Louise Kjaer ; Colin Lindsay ; Doug Low ; Jorge Aragon ; Ignacio Palacio morena juan ; Florence Lefresne ; Richard Sobel ; Jean-Pierre Yonnet ; Klaus Schömann ; Christian Brzinsky ; Winfried Heidemann ; Mikkel Mailand ; Stéphane Le Queux ; Doug Biddle ; John Burgess | Bruxelles : ETUI | 2001texte imprimé
Francis Bailleau ; Amparo Serrano Pascual, Éditeur scientifique ; David Foden ; Richard Exell ; Wiemer Salverda ; Winfried Heidemann ; Florence Lefresne ; Jorge Aragon ; Lorenzo Cachon ; Nouria Ouali ; Adinda Vanheerswynghels | Bruxelles : ETUI | 2000texte imprimé
Périodique : document électronique
Périodique : document électronique