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International Labour Office (Geneva, Switzerland) ; BIT - Bureau international du travail | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2024This report represents the 20th anniversary publication of the ILO’s Global Employment Trends for Youth (hereafter “GET for Youthâ€). As an anniversary edition, this GET for Youth looks back on what has been achieved since the dawn of the twenty-[...]![]()
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This report is Phase II of the “Employer Organizations and the Governance of TVET and Skills Systems†project which represents a collaboration between the Skills and Employability Branch (SKILLS) and the Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ACT/EMP[...]![]()
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ILO - International Labour Organization ; Eurofound | Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union | 2019Job quality is a major focus of policymakers around the world. For workers, the enterprises that employ them and for societies, there are benefits associated with high-quality jobs, and costs associated with poor-quality jobs. This report – the [...]![]()
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International labour organization (Geneva, Switzerland) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2019This latest report on labour market trends moves towards a more nuanced and more holistic approach that could facilitate possible new approaches in working towards “a brighter future†(ibid.). Chapter 1 presents the global picture, disaggregated[...]![]()
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International labour organization (Geneva, Switzerland) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2018Greening with jobs shows that the world of work is intrinsically related to the natural environment. In this context, advancing towards a green economy is urgent and constitutes a key element of the future of work. The report also demonstrate[...]![]()
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International labour organization (Geneva, Switzerland) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2018The report provides for the first time a statistical profile of the informal economy at the global level using a common set of operational criteria to measure informal employment and employment in the informal sector for more than 100 countries,[...]![]()
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The paper analyses gender dimensions of global employment trends using the ILO’s Global Employment Trends data with a focus on unemployment, vulnerable employment, informal employment and sectoral change, specifically highlighting gender differe[...]![]()
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International labour organization (Geneva, Switzerland) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2017In this report we analyse skill needs anticipation practices using survey data from the four international organizations. In doing this, relations between skills anticipation practices and institutional factors are analysed, [...]![]()
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International labour organization (Geneva, Switzerland) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2017This study provides a first-ever account of global attitudes and perceptions of women and men regarding women and work based on the 2016 Gallup World Poll. The poll, which was conducted in 142 countries and territories, is representative of 98 p[...]![]()
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The report examines the global and regional labour market trends and gaps, including in labour force participation rates, unemployment rates, employment status as well as sectoral and occupational segregation. It also presents a global in-depth [...]![]()
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International labour organization (Geneva, Switzerland) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2017This Ilo flagship report provides a global overview of recent trends in social protection systems, including social protection floors. Based on new data, it offers a broad range of global, regional and country data on social protection coverage,[...]![]()
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OIT - Organisation internationale du travail (Genève, Suisse) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2016Since its creation, the European Union (EU) has aimed to promote socio-economic convergence between its Member States. However, over the past few years – notably since the onset of the crisis – the process convergence has stalled. […] In Septemb[...]![]()
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OIT - Organisation internationale du travail (Genève, Suisse) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2016To mark the commitment of ILO constituents to gender equality and as the Organization approaches its centenary in 2019, I have launched the Women at Work Centenary Initiative with the objective of taking stock of the status and conditions of w[...]![]()
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Brendan Burchell ; Adam Coutts ; Edward Hall ; Nick Pye | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2015The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the key issues surrounding the use of self - employment interventions as labour market attachment mechanisms for young people. The review specifically explores self - employment a[...]![]()
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OIT - Organisation internationale du travail (Genève, Suisse) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 2015Women have made many gains in access to education, and it follows that they have increased access to employment. Today, a third of the world’s enterprises are run by women, and their management skills are increasingly recognized as well. There i[...]![]()
texte imprimé
Hilary Silver ; Arjan De Haan, Éditeur scientifique ; José B. Figueiredo, Éditeur scientifique ; Michael Lipton ; John Gaventa ; INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LABOUR STUDIES.Genève (1997; GENEVE) ; Wouter Van Ginneken ; Christine Elstob ; A. Gust gert ; Petra Ulshoefer ; I. P. Anand ; Alfredo Bruto da Costa ; Stephen K. Pursey ; Jos Jonkers ; L. Rao s. ; Padmanabha Gopinath, Préfacier, etc. | Geneva : International Labour Organization | Research series | 1998![]()
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Graziano Trere ; Frank Pyke ; Giorgio Allari ; Francesco Cossentino ; INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LABOUR STUDIES.Genève ; Giacomo Becattini ; Werner Sengenberger ; Sebastiano Brusco ; Giulio Cainelli ; Vittorio Capecchi ; Marco Capodaglio ; Paolo Crestanello ; Gabi Dei ottati ; Fabrizia Forni ; Maura Franchi ; Guidalberto Guidi ; Alberto Malusardi ; Daniele Mazzonis ; Denis Merloni ; Roberto Righetti ; Tiziano Rinaldini ; Enzo Rullani | Geneva : International Labour Organization | Research series | 1996Le développement d'industries locales et régionales dynamiques constituent en général un atout pour les pays désireux d'être concurrentiels sur le plan international. L'Italie, au centre de cette étude, offre un exemple de tissu industriel innov[...]![]()
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Frank Pyke ; INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LABOUR STUDIES.Genève (1992; VALENCIA) | Geneva : International Labour Organization | Research series | 1994Ce rapport a été établi à l'occasion du colloque de Valencia (1992) organisé par l'International Institute for Labour Studies avec la collaboration d'un institut espagnol pour la promotion des petites et moyennes entreprises. Le but du rapport c[...]![]()
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Robert Boyer ; Gerry Rodgers, Éditeur scientifique ; Padmanabha Gopinath, Préfacier, etc. ; Gary S. Fields ; Young-Bum Park ; Jong-Il You ; Sungsidh Piriyarangsan ; Kanchada Poonpanich ; E. Ofreneo rene | Geneva : International Labour Organization | 1994De nombreux pays de l'est de l'Asie réussissent à maintenir de hauts niveaux de croissance économique pendant de longues périodes. Ces succès sont bâtis sur de hauts niveaux d'investissement et de remarquables performances à l'exportation. En es[...]